
Los Angeles Exhibition

The Alta – A Human Atlas of a City of Angels exhibition, in collaboration with the Getty Conservation Institute, launched this month at the Los Angeles Public Library in DTLA.

This public activation of the project features the book, all 100 portraits, DNA mapping, app-based oral histories and a new video portrait installation commissioned by Alta curator and long-term collaborator Dr. Tom Learner – Head of Science at the GCI.

Alta is presented by Getty as part of PST ART: Art & Science Collide.

Image: ©Dawn Bowery Photography

Visit @ahumanatlas on Instagram to go behind the scenes.


Intersections: Los Angeles

Season Two of the Award-Winning Human Atlas Podcast has now launched.

Intersections: Los Angeles preserves an immersive journey of sound and voice exploring social change in the City of Angels in the 21st Century.

Created from 100 interviews conducted by artist Marcus Lyon, the podcast forms part of the latest cycle in his immersive Human Atlas platform. Lyon collaborated with the Getty Conservation Institute and PST ART to build a narrative Atlas about 100 remarkable humans: featuring Dolores Huerta, Nalleli Cobo, Rev. James Lawson, “Cheech” Marin, Genesis Butler, Father Gregory Boyle, Sade Elhawary and Harry Gamboa Jr… amongst so many other key voices from the city.

Narrated by Chicana Artivista Martha Gonzalez, with sound design by the multi award-winning Sarah Myles, and original music by Brian Eno.

Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you find great stories…


Alta book & Intersections podcast launch in LA

The Human Atlas launched the book and podcast for Alta – A Human Atlas of a City of Angels in October at a celebration event at the Getty Center – convening 90 of the 100 remarkable individuals nominated for and featured in the project, along with many key guests from across the globe.

In a 90-minute talk and Q&A session Marcus presented the thinking and design behind the book and podcast series – giving insights into the preservation of stories about vision, resilience and inspiration to an audience of 400.

The whole team is deeply honored to have created this work mapping the dynamic landscape of social change across Los Angeles.

Photo by Nick Lennon. © 2024 J. Paul Getty Trust

Visit @ahumanatlas on Instagram to go behind the scenes.


Alta Books Have Arrived in London

The Alta books have arrived at the Human Atlas studio in London. What a joy to finally see the physical representation of 3 years of hard work. To celebrate their arrival we are thrilled to announce that Alta – A Human Atlas of a City of Angels is now available for pre-order.

Visit @ahumanatlas on Instagram to go behind the scenes.


Back in the City of Angels

As the launch, at The Getty Museum, of Alta – A Human Atlas of a City of Angels approaches, the team are finalising the last details of the book, podcast, exhibition and website.

On a recent visit to the city Marcus met with Alta Nominee: Luis Javier Rodríguez (pictured), former LA Poet Laureate and Latino cultural polymath, to record him reciting the two poems specially commissioned for Alta. These soundscapes will activate on a bespoke Sound App produced to hold all the oral histories of the 100 individuals featured.

Visit @ahumanatlas on Instagram to go behind the scenes.


Alta Book Printing

After three years of dedicated work by the Human Atlas team – creating & editing sound, science and image – the visionary book designs of Studio Sutherl& are being printed by the master printers & binders at Verona Libri.

Marcus & Camila with Dr. Tom Learner of the Getty Conservation Institute visited Sergio Brunelli and the team at Verona Libri in Italy, to make final image checks before signing off on the limited edition print run of 750 books.

Visit @ahumanatlas on Instagram to go behind the scenes.


Alta – A Human Atlas of a City of Angels

Our latest instalment in the Human Atlas series is now on press in Verona, Italy.

Alta – A Human Atlas of a City of Angels is a four-year long research-based exploration of social change in Los Angeles in the early 21st Century. Featuring 100 nominees who have made significant contributions to LA and embody the very best of service to humanity.

Over recent months Marcus and the Human Atlas team have been immersed in sound production, infographic design, DNA visualisation & copy creation.

Alta will launch this Fall as part of PST ART: Art & Science Collide. A ground breaking art initiative across Southern California. More information here.

Visit @ahumanatlas on Instagram to go behind the scenes.


De.Coded London Celebration

We had a De.Coded celebration night for friends & family at our Glassworks Gallery this week in London. It is so lovely to see and realise that the work we did in Silicon Valley with all the 101 amazing change makers – now published in a book format – can go and impact many more people around the world.

De.Coded: A Human Atlas of Silicon Valley is a social-impact art project that tells a deeper narrative about 101 nominated social entrepreneurs, leaders and change agents across the Valley, through oral histories, portraits and ancestral DNA…⁠

Watch the De.Coded launch video on YouTube to discover more.

Visit @ahumanatlas on Instagram to go behind the scenes.


De.Coded Launches back in the Valley

The latest edition of the Human Atlas series:  De.Coded – A Human Atlas of Silicon Valley launched in East San Jose last weekend at the School of Arts & Culture. Marcus & Camila travelled to the Valley to celebrate the 101 incredible individuals featured in the project.

“It was delightful to bring together so many De.Coders who have inspired and guided us over the last three years. They are shining lights of change and it is pure joy to share their stories.” – Marcus Lyon

Watch the De.Coded launch video on YouTube to discover more.

Visit @ahumanatlas on Instagram to go behind the scenes.


Production wraps in LA

We came to Los Angeles as outsiders, were welcomed and guided by so many with open arms and hearts… I feel huge gratitude to all the amazing nominators, nominees, supporters, funders and my brilliant Atlas team for believing in the importance of the art and science of deep listening & authentic storytelling…

Alta / A Human Atlas of Los Angeles production has now wrapped in LA. 100 change makers from across the county visited the studio to record their oral histories, have their portrait taken and to map their ancestral DNA.

Visit @ahumanatlas on Instagram to go behind the scenes.


ML back in the D

Marcus was in Detroit this week and got to meet with our i.Detroiters in the first reunion since the Human Atlas book was published in 2020. It was such a powerful and engaged event to celebrate 100 change makers of the Motor City.

Visit @ahumanatlas on Instagram to go behind the scenes.


Intersections: Detroit – A Human Atlas Podcast

Detroit: A city of deep history, a people driven by resilience and hustle – experience the city through the diverse voices of its people, as chosen by a panel of their peers. Narrated by jessica Care moore, with original music by Efe Bes, Marcus Elliot & Brian Eno.

Witness the beauty of our shared humanity… explore an atlas of diversity, community & change.

“An artful audio tapestry about a bruised but resilient town focused on renewal”⁠ – FINANCIAL TIMES⁠ ★★★★★⁠

“a colourful journey from voice to voice”⁠ – THE GUARDIAN⁠ ★★★★★⁠

Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you find great stories…


A Human Atlas goes to Los Angeles

We are excited to announce Alta, a new Human Atlas of Los Angeles made in collaboration with the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) for the Pacific Standard Time (PST) Initiative.

Pictured is our Community Engagement Meeting which launched the project, held at Pico House in May of last year. Here, key members of the LA Social Change community helped outline the project and offered feedback and support in how we can create an impactful Atlas that truly represented Los Angeles.

The Team were joined by i.Detroiters Consuela Barber-Lopez & Shaffwan Ahmed, who gave first hand insight into their Human Atlas experience and the impact the project had on the City of Detroit and their communities to date.

Visit @ahumanatlas on Instagram to go behind the scenes.



Lyon and the team have been busy taking the Human Atlas on the road. Working closely with the inspirational leadership at central London’s St Martin-in-the-Fields church in Trafalgar Square to produce Fields-of-Vision – A Human Atlas Projection – see below. The immersive sound and projection event created with Studio SutherlandLCI Productions and Brian Eno was attended by over 2,000 people visiting over a three night show.

In August this year Lyon was invited to Houston, Texas by Steven Evans of Fotofest to show the work at The Sawyer Yards Silos in the Arts District of Houston in collaboration with The Texas Arts Commission.

This Autumn Lyon will launch Intersection – Detroit a Human Atlas Podcast from the i.Detroit project. Created in collaboration with LaToya Cross and ReThink Audio – watch this space.

Visit @ahumanatlas on instagram for updates
#aHumanAtlas #MarcusLyon




Lyon in Silicon Valley

Since the start of 2022 Lyon and his team have been working intensely on a new Human Atlas Project… De:Coded – A Human Atlas of Silicon Valley.
They spent eight weeks meeting 101 fantastic social change makers nominated from all areas of The Bay – from San José to Oakland to San Francisco to East Palo Alto.

Check out for @ahumanatlas on instagram to meet a new nominee everyday.

or for more information on Human Atlas projects in Brazil, Germany & Detroit.


Fields-of-Vision, A Human Atlas Projection


Saturday 5th, Sunday 6th & Monday 7th March 2022


Fields of Vision is an immersive sound and light show featuring the oral recordings,
ancestral DNA maps and portraits of a group of inspirational change makers from across
the globe – who focus on the themes of Freedom, Service and Community…


All projected onto the façade of the beautiful St Martin-in-the-Fields Church with a soundscape by Brian Eno.


Fields-of-Vision, A Human Atlas Projection by Marcus Lyon
at St-Martin-in-the-Fields Trafalgar Sq. WC2N 4JJ
An Exterior Architectural Projection


Production / Joe Briggs-Price
Design / Studio Sutherl&
Soundscape / Brian Eno
Images / The Laundry Room
Oral Histories / ReThink Audio
Projection / LCI


30-minute shows from 6–8pm in the St Martin-in-the-Fields Courtyard
Start times 18:00 / 18:40 / 19:20


On Saturday 5th, Sunday 6th & Monday 7th March 2022


Admission Free



i.Detroit wins Book of the Year


The latest Human Atlas project, i.Detroit has been named Book of the Year by the British Book and Production Awards 2021.

i.Detroit was also awarded Best Self-Published Book & Best British Book on the night. The judges agreed that i.Detroit was in a ‘class of its own’, stating that the ‘striking photography, and the beautiful combination of design, creative and print production made this book stand out in every aspect’.

In other news, Lyon and his team have begun production on their fourth Atlas, De.Coded: a Human Atlas of Silicon Valley. The book will highlight 101 change agents of the valley.

To nominate someone in your network from Silicon Valley please contact:


Launch of the i.Detroit book &

In tandem with the launch of i.Detroit – A Human Atlas of an Ameican City, the studio has been working hard on the bespoke website –  to make the Human Atlas data accessible to all.

The i.Detroit Book – Available here.

Design for the both projects was lead by the inspirational Studio Sutherl&

#idetroit #ahumanatlas
Follow @ahumanatlas on instagram



i.Detroit Virtual Launch Event

Watch the i.Detroit Launch event here


#idetroit #ahumanatlas
Follow @ahumanatlas on instagram

i.Detroit tells the extraordinary story of The City of Detroit through the portraits, soundscapes and ancestral DNA of 100 remarkable individuals who were nominated by their fellow citizens.

The launch was hosted on October 15, 2020 by Rhonda Walker of Channel 4 Detroit and in conversation with Human Atlas founder Marcus Lyon.

The event also featured a panel discussion with Shirley Stancato (Detroit Community Leader), Kenyatta D. Berry (Detroiter and DNA Genealogist), Ken Coleman (Detroit Historian) and Ozzie Rivera (i.Detroiter and Cultural Producer), as well as videos from the Kresge Foundation and the Charles H Wright Museum of African American History.

For more information about the project or to order a copy of the book – Please click here.



I.Detroit: A Human Atlas of an American City

Watch the i.Detroit launch here

Buy the book here

Over an extremely busy few months the studio has been heads down focusing on formalising the image, sound and DNA data gathered by the team in the City of Detroit over the past two years. Working with expert colleagues at Family Tree DNA in Houston, Texas, Lyon has plotted the ancestral DNA of all 100 nominees and built a detailed map their generational migration to Detroit. Alongside the genetic mapping, Shervorn Monaghan of the Laundry Room in Islington has been working on the detailed image finishing on the 100 artworks that accompany the data. Meanwhile, Matt Hill and Sarah Myles of Rethink Audio have been building the soundscapes that will activate with the bespoke App built by the tech geniuses at Calvium in Bristol. In tandem, working with Jim Sutherland and Rosey Trickett of Studio Sutherl&, the Human Atlas team have been building the design framework and form of the new book and exhibition.

I.Detroit: A Human Atlas of an American City will publish summer 2020. To pre-order your Limited Edition book – reservation can be made through

In other news… Over 2,000 people visited the Somos Brasil: A Human Atlas of a Nation exhibition held on Trafalgar Square in London in mid 2019 and the Limited Edition We: deutschland book won the top prize for self published books in the British Book Awards in December.

In the press… Read LYON’s recent interview for BJP here

and finally, Marcus’ …


Somos Brasil: A Human Atlas of a Nation launches at Photo London

Spring 2019 sees Somos Brasil: A Human Atlas of a Nation exhibition (May 10th to June 7th) debut in Europe as part of Photo London. The Embassy of Brazil on Trafalgar Square in central London hosts over 100 amazing Brazilians nominated for their commitment to their communities. The show profiles these extraordinary individuals through large format photographic images, taken over a 22,ooo km journey across Brazil, combined with oral histories accessed through a free smartphone app and ancestral DNA mapping to discover a greater truth behind our identities and roles in society. The exhibition is free and is open right through the Photo London week from 10.00 t0 18.00. For the rest of the run till early June it is open weekdays from 10.00 – 18.00 and Saturdays from 11.00 – 15.00. To organise a tour with the artist please email


Somos Brasil: A Human Atlas of a Nation exhibition on What We See




Spring 2019 – i.Detroit, A Human Atlas of an American City

Throughout 2018 and 2019 Lyon’s studio has been working in the city of Detroit on the next significant Human Atlas project. I.Detroit is an extensive, research-based, social-impact, art initiative supported by the Kresge Foundation. The project will tell the stories of 100 extraordinary Detroiters who are moving the needle in this much-misrepresented city. Alongside producer Camila Pastorelli, sound and cameraman Joe Briggs-Price and associate producer L’Renee Hollins, Lyon set up a studio in the city to collate oral histories, photographic portraits and ancestral DNA maps of a cohort of nominated individuals…to see behind the scenes of this amazing journey of discovery, please visit…I.Detroit on Facebook & on the Deadline Detroit website.


Follow Lyon on Instagram


Tiffany Brown, Founder of 400 Forward, with Marcus on Larned St, Downtown Detroit.…


Spring 2019 – WE:deutschland – A Human Atlas – Limited edition

Early 2019 saw the delivery of the limited edition WE: deutschland book, an exploration of the inspirational change makers of modern Germany.  The works explore the extraordinary diversity of a European nation at a time of significant political change. Designed by the multi award winning, design team at Studio Sutherl&, the edition of 50 in either red, black or ochre slipcases are only available directly from the The Glassworks Gallery at £ 120. Please contact Joe on if you wish to add one to your collection.

We: deutschland video.

In associated news, Lyon and his production team are in final preparation to return to the US this Easter to finish the research work associated with  I.Detroit – A Human Atlas of an American city, which is due to launch in early 2020. Later in Q2 the Somos Brasil exhibition will be coming to London as part of the Photo London festival in May. The interactive exhibition will be held from 10th May at the Embassy of Brasil, 16 Cockspur St just on Trafalgar Square in central London. More information to follow.

Both the WE: deutschland and Somos Brasil books are now available for international shipping from the Glassworks Gallery on

Follow Lyon on Instagram



Autumn 2018 – I.Detroit – A Human Atlas of an American city

Throughout 2018 Lyon’s studio has been working on his next significant human atlas in the city of Detroit. I.Detroit is an extensive, research-based, social-impact, art initiative supported by the Kresge Foundation. The project will uncover and tell the stories of 100 extraordinary Detroiters who are moving the needle in this much-misrepresented city. During the autumn the I.Detroit team set up studio in the city to collate oral histories, photographic portraits and ancestral DNA tests of a cohort of nominated individuals…to see behind the scenes of this endeavour, please visit…I.Detroit on Facebook & on The Detroit News website.

In other news the WE: deutschland book and exhibition launched in Hamburg, Germany in early September with plans for a large exhibition in Berlin during 2019. The project, sponsored by Danish corporation momondo’s Open World Network endeavoured to explore the extraordinary diversity of a European nation at a time of significant political change. Listern to Marcus here talk about the project.

Both the WE: deutschland and Somos Brasil books are now available for international shipping from the Glassworks Gallery on








Spring 2018 – Somos Brasil in Sydney

Spring 2018 marked the opening of the Somos Brasil exhibition in Sydney, Australia at the Head On Festival. Lyon’s identity based multi-media project will exhibit in the Royal Botanical Gardens until late May alongside work by Jamey Stillings, Paula Bronstein, Nancy Borowick and Debi Cornwall.

During the early months of the year the Glassworks production team curated a group of 50 remarkable Germans, through a structured nomination process, to feature in WE: deutschland: a new identity project exploring the extraordinary diversity of modern Germany. All nominees were photographed, interviewed and had their ancestral DNA analysed during the five-month project to create a dynamic identity atlas of the nation that sits at the heart of the European project. The final work, funded by momondo’s Open World Network, is currently in post-production and will launch in Berlin this summer.

In other news, Rambert III: Four Elements consigned to Sotheby’s annual Made in Britain sale and signed copies of the Somos Brasil book – ISBN 978-85-61921-06-4 – are now available for international shipping from the Glassworks Gallery on



Autumn 2017 welcomed the first cycle of the Somos Brasil exhibition traveling outside Brazil with a major show of the entire project in China. The Pingyao International Photography Festival saw over 10,000 people from all across the globe visit the exhibition in its opening week. In early 2018 the show will travel onto Australia and Switzerland. In related news Lyon and designer Jim Sutherland of award winning StudioSutherl& hosted the final ‘Partners Partners’ talk at Britain’s premier design agency The Partners to celebrate the D&AD Yellow pencil winning project & book with an audience of top creative talent from across all their sister agencies in London.

In other news, Lyon was invited to consign and sell recent work, EXODUS II: Dubai to Sotheby’s inaugural sale in the UAE: Boundless.  November also sees Lyon traveling to The Netherland’s on a lecture tour with his Science/Art series Optogenome in partnership with the Dutch Photomuseum, Rotterdam & the Noorderlicht Photogallery’s NUCLEUS, Imagining Science exhibition in Groningen.

Finally, signed copies of the Somos Brasil book are now available in Europe, Africa, Asia, & North America from the Glassworks Gallery on ISBN 978-85-61921-06-4.


Diesel Factory, Pingyao International Photography Festival, Shanxi Province, Pingyao, China.



Summer 2017 sees the Somos Brasil project book launch in São Paulo, Brazil at 19.00 on the 26th August at SParte/foto. The exhibition and book have featured heavily in the Brazilian media over recent months with Globo TV transmitting it to 220 million primetime viewers, weekly arts TV program Metropolis, as well as significant press in O Estado de São Paulo, Folha De Sao Paulo and FHOX. The D&AD Yellow pencil winning book, designed by  Studio Sutherl&,  is available direct from the artist at or in Brasil through Editora Madelena. ISBN 978-85-61921-06-4. The publication comes with a free image-activated app, produced by Matt Hill & Calvium, to access individual soundscapes of each portrait, and ancestoral DNA analysis of all the nominated subjects,  by Family Tree DNA lab.

In other news, during late July Lyon completed the Aliyah commission for the permanent galleries of the National Air & Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC. Aliyah explores the migration journeys of 22 of Israel’s top Scientists through a series of sound enhanced photographic portraits.  In the public realm Lyon’s recent  TED talk about Somos Brasil  has just reached 20,000 views and is available on YouTube

FUEL I, Petrol, Houston, Texas, USA – 2017

Autumn update – Every Thursday, from 9.00 to 21.00, through October and Novemeber, The Glassworks Gallery welcomes private tours of all the latest work produced at Lyon’s studio: BRIC’s, EXODUS, TIMEOUT & the new FUEL series  plus exclusive access to the



Every Thursday, from 9.00 to 21.00, through May and June, The Glassworks Gallery welcomes private tours of all the latest work produced at Lyon’s studio: BRIC’s, EXODUS, TIMEOUT & the new FUEL series plus exclusive access to the first editions of the Somos Brasil book.  Email Joe or Marcus to arrange a visit.

Spring 2017 saw the Somos Brasil project launch in São Paulo on the 9th of March for an seven week exhibition at Centro Brasileiro Britânico. The exhibition and book featured heavily in the Brazilian media with Globo TV transmitting it to 220 million primetime viewers, weekly arts TV program Metropolis, as well as significant press in O Estado de São Paulo, Folha De Sao Paulo and FHOX. The book, designed by Jim Sutherland of Studio Sutherl&, is ready to purchase and is available direct from the artist at or Editora Madelena. ISBN 978-85-61921-06-4. The publication comes with a free image-activated app, produced by Matt Hill with Calvium, to access individual soundscapes of each portrait, and ancestoral DNA analysis of all the nominated subjects, supplied by Family Tree DNA lab in Houston, Texas.

In other news, during late April the Somos Brasil book won three coverted D&AD Awards for design excellence. Additionally, Sotheby’s has consigned Optogenome I for its May  19th sale. In the public realm Lyon’s recent  TED talk about the Somos Brasil project is also available to watch on YouTube.





Winter 2016/17 saw the Somos Brasil project move to the next level with the final production of the book and the design of the Exhibition.  After soft launches in the Guardian, BBC and Globo’s G1 the project now launches on March 9th at Centro Brasileiro Britânico in São Paulo. This ground-breaking project has moved on at pace over the winter months, with the final book, designed by Jim Sutherland & Alice Tosey of Studio Sutherl& ready to ship in March. Lyon has also created an image activated app, produced by Matt Hill with Calvium in Bristol, UK to augment the show and images. In addition  ancestoral DNA analysis of all the nominated subjects has been supplied by Family Tree DNA lab in Houston, Texas. The book is published by Estudio Madelena, Brazil’s premier photographic publishing group in conjunction with award-winning production house ImageMagica. ISBN 978-85-61921-06-4.

In other news, during February, Rambert V – Three Dancers will be exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery in London at Martyn Ware’s curatored Everthing you can imagine is real pop up show. In the public realm Lyon’s recent  TED talk about the Somos Brasil project is also avialable to watch on YouTube. Also during this period the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC agreed to aquire a further series of Lyon’s images from the Somos Brasil series for its permanent collection at the Air and Space Museum.


SOMOS BRASIL 041 – Bekwynhka Kayapo (2016)



Summer 2016 saw the Somos Brasil series take off with soft launches of the project in the Guardian, BBC and Globo’s G1 website in Brasil. The  project is a search for a deeper understanding of Brazilian identity through a series of photographic portraits enhanced with personal sound testimonies and ancestral DNA. This ground-breaking project has moved on at pace, with the final book, designed by Jim Sutherland & Alice Tosey of Studio Sutherl&, ready to ship late October from world reknown art printers IPSIS Grafica in São Paulo. Lyon has also created an image activated app, produced by Matt Hill with Calvium in Bristol, UK. In addition the final ancestoral DNA analysis of all the nominated subjects has been supplied by Family Tree DNA lab in Houston, Texas. The book is published by Estudio Madelena, Brazil’s premier photographic publishing house in conjunction with award-winning production house ImageMagica. ISBN 978-85-61921-06-4. The book will be launched in Brasil and at Paris Photo 2016. To order in the UK please mail:

In other news, during October, EXODUS will be exhibited at the Pingyao International Photographic Festival in China and at FotoIstanbul in Turkey. In the public realm Lyon’s recent  TED talk about the Somos Brasil project is also avialable to watch on YouTube and his image EXODUS IV will go under the hammer at Sotheby’s prestiguous Made in Britain auction in London on 28/09/16.


EXODUS IV – Hong Kong, China (2010)



Early 2016 has seen Lyon’s practice grow significantly, both in the UK and abroad. He has created 2 new works for the Rambert Series in conjunction with London’s premier contemporary dance company, has had 4 of his Exodus series acquired by the world’s largest museum and research complex, the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC, and is publishing a major new work in Brazil as both a book and exhibition.

In the public realm he delivered a TED talk about the Somos Brasil project, a search for a deeper understanding of Brazilian identity through a series of photographic portraits enhanced with personal sound testimonies and ancestral DNA. This ground-breaking project has moved on at pace, with the final book, designed by Jim Sutherland & Alice Tosey of Studio Sutherl&, on press in August at world reknown art printers IPSIS Grafica in São Paulo. Lyon has also created an image activated app, produced by Matt Hill with Calvium  in Bristol, UK. In addition the final ancestoral DNA analysis of all the nominated subjects has been supplied by Family Tree DNA lab in Houston, Texas. The book of all 104 portraits will be ready to ship in September, published by Estudio Madelena, Brazil’s premier photographic publishing house in conjunction with award-winning production house ImageMagica. ISBN 978-85-61921-06-4 To order in the UK please mail:

Anthony Lawrence da Rocha Azevedo

Anthony Lawrence da Rocha Azevedo – SOMOS BRASIL  (2016)

Somos Brasil is a multimedia exhibition and book. The project explores the diversity of Brazilian identity at …



Late 2015 has seen the creation of significant new bodies of work by Lyon, both in the UK and abroad. Outside his direct practice he has been invited to talk at TED x in March about the Somos Brasil project, an exploration of twenty-first century identity in Brazil using portraits, sound and DNA. This ground-breaking project has moved on at pace: early 2016 has seen the creation of the image activated app, built & created by Matt Hill with Calvium and the final book design by award winning Jim Sutherland of Studio Sutherl&. In addition the final ancestoral DNA analysis of all the nominated subjects have now been supplied by the remarkable Max Blankfeld of FtDNA lab in Houston Texas. The book of all 104 portraits will be published in mid 2016 by Iata Cannabrava and Claudia Jaguaribe of Estudio Madelena, Brazil’s premier publishing house.

Aside from Somos he has created 2 new works for the Rambert Series in conjunction with London’s premier contemporary dance company and has had 4 of his Exodus series aquired by the worlds largest museum and research complex, the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC.


RAMBERT V – Three Dancers (2016)

The RAMBERT series (2015 – 16) was born out of a collaboration between one of the world’s foremost contemporary dance companies and Lyon over a number of rehearsals and performances.  Endeavouring to bring a new perspective to the art of recording dance, the works challenge the conventional practice of sourcing a single moment by …


JUNE 2015: New Horizons in Brazil

2015 has seen the creation of significant new bodies of work by Lyon, both in the UK and abroad. His work continues to sell successfully in the secondary market, with Sotheby’s May sale in London reaching well over the estimate. After a month long exhibition in York Exodus was awarded the Aesthetica People’s Choice Award. The major development in his practice during early 2015 has been the creation of the Somos Brasil project: an exploration of twenty-first century identity in Brazil using portraits, sound and DNA. The project, produced by ImageMagica and designed by Jim Sutherland, will be published in book format in early 2016 by Estudio Madelena, Brazil’s premier publishing house and will include a groundbreaking format using an image activated sound ap and ancestral DNA information. The final project will feature in a museum exhibition in 3 separate cities in Brazil during 2016. In other news Lyon’s latest available work is Intersection. Published below it further pursues questions around mankind’s influence on our environment through a series of images created in California and Texas in late 2014.



Mankind’s interactions with the natural world are defined by a desire to harness the environment for our needs. In a time when our planet faces unknown challenges wrought by climate change, it feels important to imagine what we will leave behind. Intersection looks at the place where all natural forms have been lost and what remains are the footprints of man’s …


MAY 2015: RAMBERT – A Creative Collaboration

In mid 2014 Lyon began a collaboration with contemporary dance company Rambert to create a series of new artworks. Now complete and on show at the dance company’s HQ on London’s South Bank, the works explore the movement of an entire dance piece in a single image. Lyon was thrilled to have a video interview featured as the top story on Lens Culture, and has since had reviews on, The Telegraph and The Guardian, both online and in print. Additionally he is honored with the announcment of a short listing for the prestigious Aesthetica Art Prize, and to be named a finalist in Lens Culture Exposure Awards which will include a show at Somerset House in conjunction with Photo London.


Rambert II - Strange Charm of Mother Nature


The images from the RAMBERT series were born out of a collaboration between one of the world’s foremost contemporary dance companies and Lyon over a number of rehearsals and performances. Lyon, Artistic Director Mark Baldwin and Rehearsal Director Angela Towler worked to develop a process where by a whole piece could be visualised in a single work. Endeavouring to bring a new perspective to the art of recording dance, the works challenge the conventional practice of sourcing a single moment by drawing on multiple sequences brought to life through a series of dynamic images created from each part of the dance. The final artworks draw heavily on a mix of the real …


MARCH 2015: RAMBERT – A New Vision of Modern Dance

In mid 2014 Lyon began a collaboration with contemporary dance company Rambert to create a series of new artworks. Now complete and on show at the dance company’s HQ on London’s South Bank, the works explore the movement of an entire dance piece in a single image. These images have excited the interest of contemporary art world and Four Elements was featured on the cover of the influential chinese art magazine ArtZip’s  January 2015 issue. Lyon was thrilled to have a video interview featured as the top story on Lens Culture, and has since had reviews on, The Telegraph and The Guardian, both online and in print. Additionally he is honored with the announcment of a short listing for the prestigious Aesthetica Art Prize, and to be named a finalist in Lens Culture Exposure Awards which will include a show at Somerset House in conjunction with Photo London.


Rambert III - Four Elements



The images from the RAMBERT series were born out of a collaboration between one of the world’s foremost contemporary dance companies and Lyon over a number of rehearsals and performances. Lyon, Artistic Director Mark Baldwin and Rehearsal Director Angela Towler worked to develop a process where by a whole piece could be visualised in a single work. Endeavouring to bring a new perspective to the art of recording dance, the works challenge the conventional practice of sourcing a single moment by drawing on multiple sequences brought to …



Lyon’s latest mass behaviour work, TIMEOUT is on exhibition at 101 in the West Wing of Somerset House, and will run in conjunction with Photo London in May. The pop up can be accessed by invitation from the West Wing’s Office Reception.  The exhibition is a collaboration between John Jones, 101 London, TM Lighting and Somerset House that endeavours to blur the boundaries between private and public space in London’s most significant creative hub. Lyon has also been working with Candlestar to finish the judging on the 2nd cycle of the Syngenta Photography Awards – the finalist have now been chosen and will be announced in due course. Marcus is also delighted to announce that his work has recently been awarded a prestigious Spotlight by LensCulture.

With more than 26 million players, golf generates more than $68 billion in goods and services with a combined annual economic impact estimated at $177 billion. Despite the credential as a driver of growth across the retail, construction, sports and housing sectors, golf remains at the heart of a society built on veracious consumption and incredible wealth inequality.

TIMEOUT examines a world where the search for safety and shelter has taken a secondary role. As the billion planet dwellers that no longer need to satisfy their basic needs search for meaning they turn to exploration. As the drive for escape intensifies, an unstoppable quest is unleashed for release through consumption. Whether it is budget …



Lyon’s latest mass behaviour work, TIMEOUT is now on exhibition at 101 in the West Wing of Somerset House, the pop up can be accessed from the West Wing’s Reception. For a private tour with the artist please email The exhibition is a collaboration between John Jones, 101 London, TM Lighting and Somerset House that endeavours to blur the boundaries between private and public space in London’s most significant creative hub. Lyon has also been working with Candlestar to finish the judging on the 2nd cycle of the Syngenta Photography Awards – the finalist have now been chosen and will be announced in due course.





After centuries of open-air markets the shopping mall became a development paradigm as corporations and planners created fully enclosed, environmentally controlled, consumption spaces for the masses. Today the most popular mall in the US has an annual footfall of 40 million visitors and is a social space where you can eat, shop, watch a film or even get married. However the 50-year hegemony of the mall is now threatened by the rise of online, which in turn has driven a new level of innovation to the sector as retail pitches battle with the web to win the hearts and souls of the consumer.


TIMEOUT examines a world where the search for safety and shelter has taken a secondary role. As the billion planet dwellers that no longer need to …



EXODUS IXEarly October marks the begining of production of Somos Brasileiros (We are Brazilian): A commissioned sound and DNA enhanced, 100 portrait quest to create a dynamic anthroplogical record of the ethnic diversity of a nation at the turn of the 21st century. The project will become a book and an interactive exhibition produced in collaboration with Swiss agribusiness Syngenta. Its creation will be based on a nomination process with the final chosen individuals hand picked by a cultural council of significant anthropologists, writers and artists. Later in the month Lyon’s latest project on mass behaviours, TIMEOUT, soft launches with a collaboration between John Jones, 101 London and Somerset House with a exhibition in the West Wing’s public space. For a private tour of the work please email




To many economic historians the railroads were the crucial “take off” factor in US industrialization in the 19th century. Today each American requires 40 tons of freight each year to fuel personal consumer demand. This $60 billion industry, consisting of 140,000 miles of class I railroads, employs 221,000 people and annually hauls 1.5 trillion ton miles of bulk goods, chemicals, energy and construction materials.…


AUGUST: LYON in Argentina

BRIC VII - Chongqing, China (2010).

August sees Lyon exhibiting BRICS and lecturing at the prestigious Festival De La Luz in Buenos Aires. He will also be traveling onwards to São Paulo to begin working on the pre production of his Lei Rouanet accredited Somos Brasileiros project: A sound and DNA enhanced, 100 portrait quest to create a dynamic anthroplogical view of the ethnic diversity of Brazilians at the turn of the 21st century, produced in collaboration with ImageMagica. His work will also be exhibited at SP Foto with Galeria Tempo from August 20 – 24th. The end of the month sees him travel deep into the Amazon to visit Xingu tribal elders in Para state on the first leg of Somos Brasileiros.



Chongqing is the fastest-growing urban mass on the planet. At over 31 million, its population is bigger than that of Peru or Iraq, with half a million more arriving every year. The streets hum with an army of 100,000 “bang bang men” weaving through the urban sprawl, transporting goods strung over their backs on their bamboo sticks. Chongqing epitomizes the shift of man as a rural to an urban being. Set on the confluence of the Jialing and the Yangtze rivers the city became a provisional capital during WW2 as its heavy fog protected against the Japanese airforce. In the nineties Chongqing was used by China to spearhead development of its Western regions. According to the World Bank, 16 of the planet’s 20 dirtiest cities …



TIDELINE-I-PASTURE-(MLWS) Lyon donates Tideline I – Pasture Bay to auction at the Michael Hoppen Gallery in support of Prostate Cancer UK, which will take place on the evening of Thursday 3 July 2014. Galeria Tempo has invited Lyon to join SP Arte Foto for the second year running. The fair takes place in Sao Paulo from 20-24 August 2014. Lyon has also been awarded recognition in the blogosphere, being featured in the prestigious Editor’s Picks on the photography platform LensCulture.


The Tideline images chart light’s journey across the water’s edge each hour for the duration of a day. The works are each created from twelve images shot from identical locations during the daylight hours of a single day. Each typology observes the subtle transformation that time and light, working in unison, manifest across the triptych of sky, sea and shore. In comparison, colour, reflection and tone constantly change to redraw our attention to the uniqueness of each moment in time and place. The works were created on the shores of Mustique in The Grenadines, West Indies. The artist will donate 10% of all sales to the Mustique Charitable Trusts. (Limited Edition of 7 produced as a complete set of 12 images as a single artwork / Limited Edition of 3 produced as a full set of 12 separately framed images).…



TIMEOUT III - DriveMay sees Lyon in the studio producing significant new work for the TIMEOUT series. Meanwhile at Sotheby’s TIMEOUT was launched through the successful sale of TIMEOUT II. In other news Marcus was appointed to serve on the board of the Leader’s Quest Foundation. Abroad, STADIA XIII was collected by the visionary Brazilian photography guru Joaquim Paiva. He will donate the image to the Museum of Modern Art Rio.

TIMEOUT explores mass behaviour in a world where the search for safety, sustenance and shelter has taken on a secondary role. As the billion planet dwellers that no longer need to service their basic needs search for meaning they turn to another human instinct: exploration. Indeed, as our desire for escape intensifies, we unleash an unstoppable quest for release through travel and adventure. Whether through budget airlines or the mega rich’s super yachts, the human race defines its modern existence through endeavoring to conquer the natural rhythms of the earth in a search of redemption from work through recreation. (Edition of 7)…


APRIL 2014: Lyon at Sotheby’s

TIMEOUT II - LAXAfter 10 days producing new work and visiting Fotofest in Houston, Lyon returns to London to launch the TIMEOUT series. TIMEOUT explores the mass behaviours of the billion people who have found shelter, sustenence and saftey in the modern world. Global photography specialists Simone Klein and Brandei Estes of Sotheby’s have consigned TIMEOUT II to the May 7th Sotheby’s Auction. Meanwhile the studio is in final production for an exhibition of BRIC images at Festival de la Luz in Buenos Aires later in 2014 and STADIA exhibits in Moscow.

Edition of 7…


January 2014: LYON in London

TIMEOUT I - MarinaAfter a fourth quarter cycle of shows in Russia, Brazil and India early 2014 finds Lyon in London working on the new series TIMEOUT. The project explores ideas around mass recreation in a world where the search for safety, sustenance and shelter have taken on a secondary role. Timeout I looks at the the space where water is the playground of those in search of release from the world of work. In other news the studio continues in pre-production for the Somos Brasileiros project due to be created in Brazil later in the year. Finally Lyon is delighted to confirm his attendance at the annual Fotofest art fair in Houston Texas for March.
TIMEOUT I – Marina del Rey, Los Angeles, USA – 2014

Originally designed as lightweight vessels to chase pirates in the 17th century, the yacht has morphed into the ultimate symbol of success and excess in the modern world. The turn of the 21st century saw a massive explosion in the number, size and popularity of megayachts. To some the ultimate retreat, to others a sign of a world out of balance, the launch of Eclipse, a 165 m US$ 1 billion super yacht in 2010 saw the world of seaborne recreation reaching a new peak.
Edition of 7…


NOVEMBER 2013: LYON in Paris

macarconi_I_FINAL This month Lyon attends Paris Photo 14-17 November. The event coincides with the annual Prix Pictet award announcement. Lyon has been nominated for  Exodus by the Head of the Photography at Christie’s, King Street, Alexander Montague-Sparey. Founded in 2008, the Prix Pictet has rapidly established itself as the world’s leading prize in photography and sustainability. Later in the month Lyon has a key artwork at Christie’s in support of the Mustique Charitable Trust . He has donated of one of his newest works from Tidelines, Macaroni I.


These works chart light’s journey across five different locations – Rutland, Pasture Bay, L’Ansecoy, Macaroni and Lagoon. Created on the Island of Mustique in the West Indies, these works observe the subtle transformations that time and light, working in unison, manifest across the  triptych of sky, sea and shore. In comparison colour, contrast, reflection and tone constantly change to redraw our attention to the uniqueness of each moment in time and place.

Limited Edition Digital C-type Prints. Each complete set of images is printed as a single artwork of 1,150 x 1,180 mm produced in an edition of 7…


OCTOBER 2013: LYON in Russia

STADIA_XIIILyon is in Krasnodar, Russia, for the launch of the 5th Annual Photography Exhibition of Photovisa. His exhibition Stadia will be on display through November alongside work by Brad Temkin, Dona Schwartz and Patrick Gries. The Festival’s  theme is ” Climate of Changes: Life, Family, Society, Nature” curated by Irina Chmyreva, Senior Researcher, Russian Academy of Arts, National Institute of Theory and History of Art, Moscow, Russia.  Lyon will open Stadia on 20 October at the Krasnodar Gallery. In other news in the studio in London he is planning his next large scale  photographic portrait project “Somos Brasileiros”(We are Brazilians). This body of work is planned for production during 2014/15 and will see Lyon and his team traveling throughout Brazil to create an in-depth portrait commission reflecting the cultural and ethnic diversity of the emerging economic titan. The project will culminate in the production of an art book and an exhibition in 2016. Outside his own practice, Lyon was appointed to the Board of Somerset House this month.

STADIA – 2013

In the opening decade of the 21st century global sporting events have usurped all other forms of mass human worship. The stadium has become a modern house of reverence, defining our media age through more than just huge television audiences. These arenas are spaces of common human aspiration where the individual, society and the brand unite to create a new type of deity. Backed by enormous corporate funding the sports stadium has the ability to transform …


SEPTEMBER 2013: LYON in Brazil and India


Lyon is in Brazil for the opening of an exhibition of Exodus and BRICs at Galeria TEMPO, Copacabana, Rio. The show will be on display until early November. Lyon’s work is also on display at the prestigious ARTRIO 13 art fair from 4th-8th September, recognized by artists, galleries and collectors as one of the most important art events in Latin America. Lyon also travels during the month to Mumbai and Jaipur as an invited guest of Leader’s Quest to attend a leadership conference on the role art, business, society and the individual can play in inspiring community and sustainability in the early 21st century.

EXODUS VIII – Cape Flats, South Africa

As the economies of developing nations are transformed by the power and lure of the urban space, ever increasing waves of migration from rural hinterlands transform the city edge. Despite being predominantly seen from abroad as places of desperate poverty and crime, the townships of the Western Cape are also vibrant hubs of creative endeavour and unshackled entrepreneurship. However, will the challenge of future enhanced human freedom be possible with a backdrop of political mismanagement and institutionalised corruption? With enlightened leadership and policies designed to harness the incredible energy of these edge cities the modern world promises a road out of subsistence to more engaged and sustainable communities. Edition of 7.




Exodus and BRICs are to be exhibited on Copacabana. Galleria TEMPO, Lyon’s representatives in Latin America are holding a show of both bodies of work in their renowned gallery on Rio’s most famous beach. Lyon will attend the opening night on 3rd September. For invitations to the private view please contact TEMPO will also be taking the work the ARTRIO 13 fair to be held from 4th to 8th September. In other news the Exodus series has been nominated by Alexander Montague-Sparey Head of Photography at Christie’s for the prestigious Prix Pictet Award.
As human ability to circumnavigate the globe increases exponentially we challenge our ability to define our identities geographically. The global citizens of airport lounges and business hotels ascend to another world where the realities of real community become strangely mixed with notions of belonging to a different society of frequent flyer points and concierge services. Edition of 7.…


JUNE 2013: EXODUS VI at Christie’s / BRIC I in Dinard

EXODUS-VI-West-Lamma-Channel-South-China-Sea-2011Exodus VI was consigned by the Glassworks Gallery to Christie’s annual auction in London where it a achieved a new world record for an original Lyon print. In tandem BRIC I was chosen by curator Ashok Adiceam of the Foundation Magrez to grace the walls of the Palais des Arts at the annual summer art festival in Dinard, L’Amour Atomique, alongside Agnes Varda, Takashi Murakami, Claude Leveque, Hema Upadhyay, Massimo Vitali and Mona Hartoum. Meanwhile in Latin America Lyon has been signed by the prestigious Galeria Tempo in Rio de Janeiro.


EXODUS VI – West Lamma Channel, South China Sea – 2011

Exodus explores the most significant migrations of the early 21st Century. As the ability of humans, goods and services to circumnavigate the planet increases exponentially we are left disconnected from a simple view of our common identity. Indeed, as our economic and geo-political differences intensify the unstoppable movement and expansion of actual and digital assets challenge both the power of the individual in society, the state and corporations to control opinions, actions and environment. Exodus provokes questions concerning the biggest changes in contemporary society through large-scale representations of the key themes that influence globalization and the modern world.




MAY 2013: PHOTO 51 at Somerset House

OPTOGENOME VI - 50 benches IIIn Photo 51 Lyon was commissioned by King’s College London to work with the MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology to produce a new series of conceptual Science/Art collaborations that celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Medical Research Council and the 60th anniversary of the discovery of DNA at laboratories at Kings College, London. The show runs June 24 – July 26 at the Inigo Room, Somerset House, London. This body of work continues Lyon’s exploration of key themes in modern science and health. In 2011-2012 he completed a significant body of work exploring the interface between the laboratory and the emotional space occupied by scientists in collaboration with the Infectious Disease and Oncology scientists at Astra Zeneca’s Waltham, Massachusetts research campus. The work in the exhibition will feature ten of Lyon’s works that explore the very cutting edge of the modern science laboratory from both a typological and an emotionally subversive viewpoint and will include all the of AstraZeneca collection images.


50 BENCHES – 2013

At it’s most basic level science is visual comparison, driven to unearth difference in an endeavor to understand and unlock the reason for variance. Much like the butterfly collector the photographer can search for this comparative truth. In the search to understand actual scientists 50 Benches I & II collects the myriad samples that are the working laboratory spaces of a 21st century science environment: identical only in the form of recording the totality of variance underlines the delicate difference at the …



HINTERLAND_Triptych2After the recent success of the Landmark show where Lyon exhibited alongside the world’s 50 leading landscape photographers in an exhibition that explored the realities of environment in our time, he is completing his latest collection of environmental works titled Hinterland. Built from original aerial images shot in South Africa, Hinterland plays on shape and edge looking to define the random nature of land development. Lyon proposes that the urban edge is a defining space of transition and thereby the works question the key environmental themes of the early 21st century through dynamically created new landscapes.


HINTERLAND – Triptych II 2013
The series is best described as an exploration of the space where the stream becomes the concrete culvert. The first installment was created in the Cape Flats of South Africa, a vibrant yet desperate mix of swamp, sand, shack and low-cost, high-density temporary structures and housing. Each image in the series of twelve focuses on a particular environmental theme; migration, water use, energy, transportation and waste. Lyon is currently working on the next installment, which is based on the edgelands of urban southern California. Each individual image is produced in a Limited Edition of 7 and the work is also produced in large-scale triptych format as an edition of 3 with 2 Artist’s Proofs.…
